Sunday News


To submit a bulletin announcement, please email [email protected]. Bulletin announcements are due on Mondays at 8 a.m., the week before it is published. Deadlines may change with holidays. Bulletin announcements typically will run for two weeks; please indicate which two weekends you’d like your announcement to run. The pastor and Communications Coordinator have the final say on when/if bulletin announcements are placed in the bulletin. 

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Fr. Dan – Midnight Mass: The Christ Child enables us to renounce worldliness and fears.


Homework for the week:  Light a candle this week whether at home or here at church in honor of the Light of the world born this night and pray that His light will fill you always.

Christmas Vigil: Christ is born so that we can see more than just the outside, but the heart!

Homework for the week:  Beg the Lord for spiritual sight and for the heart of Christ!

Fr. Dan – 4th Sunday of Advent: Growing great with Christ

Homework for the week: Let your prayer every day this week be: Lord Jesus, grow great within me: to bless my humanity, my fatherhood/motherhood, and my faith for the conversion of the whole world.

Fr. Andrew – 4th Sunday of Advent

Fr. Dan – 3rd Sunday of Advent: Remind us of what we know, and teach us what we don’t.

Homework for the week: Go to confession! And then spend some time silently, joyfully gazing at God, whom you know is breathlessly, lovingly, joyfully, gazing upon you. And then imagine Him breaking into song…because of you. Lean into that, and live that.

Fr. Andrew – 3rd Sunday of Advent