Acts 2:42 (A Night of Dinner & Prayer)

Multipurpose Room, Chapel , United States

Based on the Bible verse Acts 2:42, Newman is hosting this monthly night to deepen your faith, prayer, and community life. Each night consists of dinner in the Multipurpose Room, […]

Greeter Training

Disciples Room , United States

Interested in serving as a greeter at Mass? Come to this training to learn more.

Lector Training

Disciples Room , United States

Interested in serving as a lector at Mass? Come to this training to learn more.

Eucharistic Minister Training

Disciples Room , United States

Interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister at Mass? Come to this training to learn more.

VIRTUS Training

Disciples Room , United States

Safe Environment training is helpful for any parent, grandparent, or concerned adult and is required for anyone volunteering with children younger than 18.