By Fr. Rich, O.P.
Thank you for supporting the 2019 Parish Renewal Program. As we as a community seek to awaken our hearts and transform our community, I am encouraged to see so many prayerful and committed responses from our parishioners of their prayer, service, and treasure. The results confirm for me that our community desires to continue our mission to share the Good News on campus and in our community.
I am grateful to each of you for the ways in which you have responded to the Holy Spirit's promptings. Over 100 households committed to greater Mass attendance. Dozens more committed or recommitted to serving with liturgical or music ministry. Many families sought information on serving the community through the Newman Volunteer Corps. Others are open to serving wherever this faith community may need them.
I am also thankful for the financial commitments you made. Twenty-three households began giving through one of our many recurring electronic giving options. Seventeen households committed to financial gifts for the first time this year. And based on the overall responses, we expect to see a 7.5% increase in the offertory for 2019.
This is just the beginning. As we move throughout this year, I pray that we may continually seek to respond to the Lord through our actions here at Newman and in our lives. Know that I and the rest of the staff are here for you.
Through living as faithful disciples and stewards, "community" becomes more than just a word. It is how we respond in worship, in service, and in study. All of the ministries that are the heart and soul of "community" here at Newman are alive because of your generous and consistent support. Thank you again for your part in transforming our faith community.