Life Teen is a national Catholic youth program based out of Mesa, Arizona. The main components of our program are spiritual formation, Catholic catechesis, fellowship, and service. CoMo Life Teen brings together teens from all three parishes in town. On Sundays, we gather at Sacred Heart (in the Activity Building) from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. Teens have fun learning about the faith with friends. Our hope is that every Life Night is not only fun, but also challenges teens to go deeper in their relationship with God and grow in the Catholic faith. All Life Teen events are open to all high school students. Life Nights are held most Sundays of the year.
Life Teen sponsors many special events throughout the year for all teens in grades 9-12. Be on the lookout for these exciting opportunities:
- Fall Retreat
- Luke 18 Retreat for 8th Graders
- Steubenville Youth Conference (Annually in July)
- CHRISTpower (service retreat in the summer)
- Camp Siena (summer camp for women)
- Camp Maccabee (summer camp for men)
Ways to help Life Teen
- Core Members: Assist with planning and implementing the Sunday Life Nights, set up, clean up, and interacting with the teens. Many Core Members give talks, lead small groups, assist with retreats and serve as chaperons at special events.
- Hospitality: Teens are hungry! We rely on parents and other volunteers to help prepare and serve meals for our weekly events as well as special events.
- Confirmation Team: This group assists with planning and implementing the high school Confirmation program. Many team members will also lead small groups, assist with the retreat, give talks, and coordinate the food ministry and prayer warrior programs.